
Exploring Kuala Lumpur, PCOS Style

The notion surrounding “self-care” might elicit a few eye rolls these days, and let’s face it, it’s become a bit of a cliché. However, the fact remains that self-care is essential for many, particularly for women dealing with PCOS. And if travelling is your definition of self-care, then Kuala Lumpur is a good place to kickstart your exploration.

Give yourself a little extra lovin’ as you wander around this dazzling city, in a way that nourishes your body, clears your mind, and rejuvenates your soul. Buckle up and read on as we journey through some of the PCOS-friendly pitstops that are well worth your visit.

exploring kuala lumpur with pcos

Traveling with PCOS

Traveling with PCOS is like dancing to a rhythm that only we can hear. It’s a suitcase filled with a whirlwind of hormones, mood swings, fatigue and more.

While the world may not fully grasp the unique journey of a PCOS traveler, that’s precisely what sets us apart and makes our explorations extraordinary. Well, here’s why wandering with PCOS is a one-of-a-kind adventure:

Dietary Needs

PCOS often comes with dietary considerations. Women with PCOS are mindful of the food they eat, seeking out PCOS-friendly options even in unfamiliar locales. Exploring local cuisine can be a bit more challenging, which is why planning ahead is essential when it comes to voyaging.

Mood & Emotion

Mood swings are a part of the PCOS package, and traveling can sometimes intensify these women’s emotional shifts. Coping with the highs and lows while exploring a new place can be a unique challenge. This is where relaxing activities come in, helping to keep the emotional toll at bay.

Hormonal Changes

PCOS women might not be entirely sure how their bodies will react to the change in routine, from different environments to new foods. Their unpredictable hormonal levels add an extra layer of complexity. But fear not, for nature has its way of soothing the journey, making everything better.

Wandering Kuala Lumpur for Body, Mind & Soul

Before diving headfirst into the vibrant streets of Kuala Lumpur, one should plan out some to-go places that cater to PCOS dietary needs, mood and emotion, as well as hormonal changes.

Ahead, we have compiled a list of hotspots made for your body, mind and soul. Keep scrolling to get the scoop!

pcos woman travels

1. Body: Nourish Your Way to Better Health

You’ve probably heard that you are what you eat. Well, for PCOS warriors, it’s more than just a saying. In Kuala Lumpur, we’ve stumbled upon three divine spots that serve up PCOS-friendly delights:

(a) Agrain, Bangsar South

Agrain’s mission is to make healthy eating accessible and delicious. Customize your wholesome bowl or pick from their flavorful preset options, all while staying within your dietary preferences, whether you’re vegan, Keto, or somewhere in between.

(b) Kubis & Kale, Bandar Sunway

These folks are here to shatter the myth that healthy eating has to be boring. With superfoods and poke bowls on the menu, every bite is a party for your taste buds. Wash it all down with refreshing fruit juice that adds to that vitamin intake of yours.

(c) La Juiceria Superfoods TTDI, Kuala Lumpur

Dive your spoon and fork into customized salads, quinoa fried rice, and a variety of other delectable dishes that cater to keto, vegetarian, vegan, and lactose-free diets. Your palate and health are in for a treat.

2. Mind: Keep Stressful Thoughts at Bay

PCOS sometimes brings along stress and mood swings, but, especially in the buzzing KL, we’ve got some unique ways to keep your emotional rollercoaster in check:

(a) Beary Potter Studio, Bukit Jalil

Get your hands dirty and your creative juices flowing with pottery classes, starting from beginner to advanced levels. Express yourself through clay!

(b) Tapir Place @ Sunway GEO, Subang Jaya

It’s a cozy, pet-friendly art studio that offers various skilled workshops, including acrylic and watercolor painting. Unleash your inner artist and bond with friendly furry companions.

(c) A SPACE TO _ . Creative Studio, Petaling Jaya

This sunlit space offers a variety of art and craft workshops, from watercolor sessions to candle-making. Embrace your creative side in an inviting, artistic haven.

3. Soul: Let Nature Work Its Magic

Sometimes, all you need is a breath of fresh air to rejuvenate your soul. Kuala Lumpur offers some amazing outdoor spots for that perfect soul-soothing experience:

(a) KL Forest Eco Park, Kuala Lumpur

Nestled next to the iconic Kuala Lumpur Tower, this forest reserve offers a canopy walk and lush greenery for nature lovers.

(b) Farm In The City, Seri Kembangan

This popular tourist attraction allows you to get up close and personal with animals and nature. It’s like a petting zoo and farm rolled into one!

(c) 0km Putrajaya Cycling Route, Putrajaya

Rent a bike from KL EBIKE Putrajaya and pedal your way through this picturesque cycling route, basking yourself in sunshine and nature.

Bring Along Concevoir for On-the-go PCOS Care

And there you have it, our PCOS-centric adventure in Kuala Lumpur! So, get those bags packed, ensure your Concevoir is in tow for on-the-go PCOS care, and let’s set forth on a remarkable adventure in KL.

Wishing you safe travels, and remember, we’re here with you every step of the way, around every nook and corner!

Explore more about Fertility

Wondering how is the love-hate relationship between fertility and PCOS? We are here to clear the confusion for you!

IB Tower 3, Level 33, No. 8, Jln Binjai, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


IB Tower 3, Level 33, No. 8, Jln Binjai, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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