
Sleeping with PCOS: Top 8 Tips for a Better Night’s Rest

Tired of being tired? To be frank, getting a restful sleep can be tricky for anyone, but if you are navigating life with PCOS, this struggle of catching some quality Z’s can be even more frustrating. Between the hormonal fluctuations and stress rollercoaster, falling asleep is hard, and staying asleep? Well, let’s just say it’s not a walk in the park.

Fret not, as you will be on your way to a night of better sleep with our 8 bedtime tips so you can wake up feeling more refreshed and seize the day. But before we dive in, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty of PCOS and have a quick look at how it can affect your sleep.

pcos woman sleeping

Understanding PCOS & Its Impact on Your Slumber

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS, is a hormonal disorder that affects 1 in 10 women of reproductive age. It is characterized by a range of symptoms, from unpredictable menses to acne that just won’t quit, there’s more:

  • Irregular menstruation (Oligomenorrhea), heavy menstrual bleeding (Menorrhagia), or no periods at all (Amenorrhea)
  • Trouble getting pregnant due to inconsistent ovulation or failure to ovulate
  • Weight gain
  • Excessive hair growth on face, chest, belly, back & buttocks
  • Oily skin & acne on the face, chest & upper back
  • Hair loss & thinning on the scalp
  • Skin darkening on the neck, groin, & under the breasts
  • Sleep disturbance such as insomnia
  • … and more

And today, we will highlight the lesser-known PCOS symptoms – sleep disturbances. Studies have shown that women with PCOS are more likely to experience insomnia, sleep apnea, and other sleep disorders. In turn, other PCOS symptoms like weight gain and fatigue may be made worse by these sleep problems.

“We found women with PCOS were around 1.5 times more likely to experience sleep disturbances compared to women without PCOS.”, Hormones Australia, the Endocrine Society of Australia.

The thing is, such issues are correlated with the high levels of androgens and insulin resistance associated with one’s PCOS. What’s more, hormonal abnormalities amongst women with PCOS might result in lower progesterone production, which is crucial to regulating sleep.

Why A Good Night’s Sleep Is Crucial for Managing PCOS?

Truth be told, getting enough shut-eye is crucial for managing PCOS. But how?

Hormonal Harmony

A restful night’s sleep helps lessen the symptoms of PCOS by regulating insulin levels, reducing inflammation, and regulating the hormones that control ovulation.

Recharge Your Batteries

A good eight hours of sleep will give you the energy you need for the day. Furthermore, a well-rested mind is better able to cope with stress, another common PCOS trigger.

Bye-Bye, Brain Fog

Sleep aids in the removal of toxins and waste products that accumulate in your brain during the day, leaving you alert to take on whatever that throws at you throughout the day.

Rid of Those Cravings

Getting enough shuteye is helpful in regulating the hormones responsible for controlling desires and hunger, making it easier to choose nutritious foods over quick sugary snacks.

Top 8 Tips to Help You Sleep (and Sleep Better) with PCOS

We have got you covered with 8 practical tips and tricks that help manage your slew of sleep disturbances so you can wake up feeling more energized. Keep reading if you are ready to say goodbye to sleepless nights!

Stick to a Consistent Sleep Schedule

Consistency is key! Even on weekends, try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. This can help in regulating your natural sleep-wake cycle, so you can fall asleep more easily at night, thanks to your body’s internal clock that craves routine.

Create a Relaxing Bedtime Routine

Well, we know it is tough, but it is best to avoid screens and stimulating activities that can make it harder for you to fall asleep. Before you hit the hay, you may set aside some time for some relaxing bath time, a gentle yoga ritual, or book reading to wind down before sleep.

pcos woman drink coffee early in the day

Avoid Stimulants or Heavy Food Before Bed

Sorry to break it to you, but that post-dinner caffeine or booze could be the reason why you are wide awake at night. One should also avoid heavy meals, spicy foods, and sugary drinks, which can, too, interfere with your slumber.

Move Your Body & Exercise Regularly

Apart from maintaining a healthy weight, exercise can truly do wonders for your sleep quality. Regular physical activity can help regulate hormones, but make sure to sweat your stress out at least a few hours before bedtime to avoid over-stimulation.

Make Your Bedroom Sleep-friendly

Keep your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet to create the ultimate sleep sanctuary to catch some quality Z’s. Such sleeping atmosphere often comes with a fan or air-conditioner, blackout curtains, and, most importantly – high-quality bedding and pillows.

Manage Stress with Relaxation Techniques

One should give deep breathing and mindfulness meditation a try, or even gentle yoga for muscle relaxation to calm your mind and body before bed. Moreover, getting your hands on natural essential oils in scents like lavender can have a calming effect on the body too.

Fuel Your Body with Good Food

A balanced meal is beneficial in hormone regulation and sleep quality. Aim for a well-rounded diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains. You may consider supplements like magnesium or herbal remedies like chamomile to help you relax.

Consider Talking to Your Doctor

When all else fails, seek medical advice! Get this issue checked out by a doctor you trust, and they will help you identify the underlying causes or provide a referral to a sleep therapist, so you can take action to achieve the restful sleep you deserve.

Sleep Doesn’t Have to Be a Nightmare!

Don’t let PCOS keep you up at night any longer! It’s time to take back control of your sleep and enjoy nights of better sleep.

All in all, getting a good night’s sleep is crucial for managing PCOS symptoms. By following the above-mentioned eight tips, we do hope that you are able to improve your sleep quality. Be patient with yourself, try out strategies at your own pace, and slowly but surely, you will find the few tips that suit you the most.

If you are looking for an extra boost, Concevoir may be just what you need. Packed with inositol, inulin and folic acid, our dietary supplements in convenient sachets are specifically designed to help manage symptoms and regulate hormones that can cause sleep disturbances among women with PCOS.

Explore more about Fertility

Wondering how is the love-hate relationship between fertility and PCOS? We are here to clear the confusion for you!

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