
How Do I Know I Have PCOS?

According to Rotterdam’s criteria, if you are experiencing at least two or three symptoms, it is very likely that you have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). We encourage you to schedule an appointment with a specialist for a proper diagnosis.

how do i know i have PCOS

Here are the 8 common symptoms of PCOS that you should be aware of:

Irregular periods, no periods at all or heavy bleeding

Irregular periods or not having periods at all may lead to infertility as ovum may not be properly and timely produced when a woman menstruates if any at all. On the other hand, irregular uterine bleeding from PCOS is usually due to a lack of ovulation. The fragile lining of the uterus (endometrium) thickens from excess oestrogen, as this is not corrected by the monthly production of progesterone from the ovary that usually follows ovulation.

Difficulty in getting pregnant (reduced fertility)

Having PCOS does not mean you can’t get pregnant at all. The hormonal imbalance due to PCOS interferes with the growth and release of eggs from the ovaries during ovulation. If you can’t ovulate during ovulation, you can’t possibly get pregnant.

Having excess facial or body hair than usual (hirsutism)

Hirsutism is excess terminal hair commonly appearing in a male pattern in women. Often begins with puberty, this condition may be caused by an imbalance of sex hormones. Over the years, PCOS may slowly produce excessive dark or coarse hair growth in a male-like pattern on the face, chest and back.

Loss of hair on the head

While many with PCOS grow thicker hair on their face and body, some experience hair thinning and hair loss, which is referred to as female pattern hair loss. PCOS hair loss occurs due to an increase in the body’s male hormone androgen. These excess androgens trigger hair thinning on the scalp. However, its condition differs from complete baldness, as seen in men.

pcos woman with mood swing and depression

Depression and mood swings

PCOS women are about 3 times more likely to be diagnosed with anxiety and depression than people without PCOS. They are also much more likely to report symptoms of anxiety and depression, and those symptoms are more likely to be severe. To date, the causation of increased risk for anxiety and depression among people with PCOS remains unclear.

Overweight or obesity

Weight gain is triggered by male hormones called androgen. As a result, it typically happens in the abdomen, where men tend to carry weight. Instead of having a pear shape, women with PCOS have more of an apple shape. Abdominal fat is the most dangerous kind of fat as it is associated with an increased risk of heart disease and other health conditions.

Oily skin and acne

Women diagnosed with PCOS will likely have oily skin due to the extra sebum being produced. When a woman has PCOS, her body may produce excess androgen that leads to oily skin and even acne that involves more tender knots under the skin rather than fine surface bumps.

Insulin resistance and diabetes

PCOS makes it more difficult for the body to use the hormone insulin, which functions to convert sugars and starches from foods into energy. This condition, known as insulin resistance, can lead to the build-up of insulin and glucose in the bloodstream. When the blood glucose level gets too high, diabetes follows.

Don’t be afraid; you are not alone. We are here to help through this journey. Concevoir by ImproWell™ is formulated with Caronositol Fertility® to help you manage and reverse PCOS and boost fertility naturally.

Explore more about Fertility

Wondering how is the love-hate relationship between fertility and PCOS? We are here to clear the confusion for you!

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